Well, here I am. 13 1/2 weeks pregnant now. I have been sick. I was not sick with my first pregnancy, sick for a few weeks with my second, and now I've been sick for 2 months straight with this one. I am nauseous constantly. It's not fun. Worth it, but not fun. When I first found out I was pregnant I set out to be healthy by working out consistently and eating healthy. Um...yeah, that hasn't happened. Nothing sounds good to eat, so I end up eating whatever sounds good, whether that's a salad or a Jimmy John's sandwich. I haven't gained a whole lot of weight so far, about 4 pounds, but boy do I ever look like I've gained weight. I guess the third time around you just get bigger faster. By 8 weeks I could not wear my regular pants anymore, so I became very close with my yoga pants. ;) This is upsetting me more than I thought it would. I had imagined myself being tiny this time around (something I wasn't with my 2 previous pregnancies) and that is just not happening. So, I've been a bit down about it. I'm trying to stay up beat and remind myself that there is a tiny human growing inside me (I mean....whoa) and just keep telling myself I will gain weight. I have been having a hard time with comparing myself to others because I have a few friends who are all due around the same time as me and they are so tiny. This is something I just cannot allow myself to do. I need to put a stop this time immediately because comparing myself to others is only going to lead me down a path I don't want to go down.
I'm hoping to start feeling better soon, meaning that I can get out and exercise and eat a little bit better and in turn feel better about myself. I just do not want to end up overeating/purging after this baby comes. My goal is just to be as healthy as I can and stick with it. I will not give up, I will not go back to bad habits and if I end up being a size or two bigger after this baby I need to be okay with that. After all, my size/weight is NOT what matters! This beautiful amazing life that God has given me is what matters and I want to do everything in my power to treat it as so (my life and my children's lives). So, here goes!
Here is a picture of me at 12.5 weeks pregnant. I'm getting pretty round.