Thursday, April 5, 2012

Six Months Pregnant and moving forward!

So, I'm 6 months pregnant now with my sweet baby girl.  I have gained 17 pounds, which sounds like a lot, but compared to my two previous pregnancies, I'm doing well.  I always said if I got pregnant again I would eat better, work out more and take better care of myself.  I'm doing the best I can.  I am eating MUCH better than I did with my boys.  I have made it my goal to eat at least 4 servings of fruits/veggies combined and so far I've done fairly well.  I realize 4 servings is nowhere near what I should be eating of those, but trust me, this is HUGE for me.  I'm not working out as much as I want, but I'm trying.  I wanted to continue running, but with morning sickness and other issues, I haven't been able to.  I am really looking forward to running again after baby girl arrives though, I miss it so much! 

Right now at this point I am feeling really good about myself.  With my boys I got big EVERYWHERE and with this pregnancy I've expanded a bit, but mostly just have a huge ball out in front.  So, I'm enjoying that and just doing the best I can to take care of myself and baby girl.  My blood pressure has been good and there are no signs of preeclampsia as of right now.  I have reached the 24 week mark, which means if we would have to deliver her soon she would have a good chance of survival (with lots of machine and NICU help).  I certainly don't want to have her this early, but I can relax a bit more knowing she at least will have a chance.  My goal is to make it to 36 weeks, and hopefully have no extra hospital time for either of us.  But, who knows what will happen.  Preeclampsia set in with my last son around week 29 and I had no other symptoms before that.  So, I will continue to pray and just go with the flow, because I can't do anything else!

Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers.  I am still a bit worried about losing the weight after I have her, because that is where I got myself into trouble with my previous pregnancies.  But I know that this time around will be different because I have support from friends and family.  Until next time....

24 Weeks pregnant!

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